Geliefd boek: Coming through Slaughter

Alles wat een geheim in zich draagt, blijft intrigeren

Tientallen jaren geleden, bij het lezen van het boek Hear me talkin’ to ya. The story of jazz by the men who made it, stuitte ik op de naam Buddy Bolden. Wat zijn collega’s over de trompetspeler vertellen, intrigeerde me:

Mutt Carey:

When you come right down to it, the man who started the big noise in jazz was Buddy Bolden. Yes, he was a powerful trumpet player and a good one too. I guess he deserves credit for starting it all. (…) King Bolden was one fine-lookin’ brown-skin man, tall and slender and a terror with the ladies.

Albert Gleny

Bolden was crazy from wine and women and vice versa. Sometimes he would have run away from the women. When he went mad, he would walk up and down the street talking to the wrong people – foolish – about this gal and that gal.

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